THURSDAY - Aug 1st

8:00a Gates Open

8:00a National Anthem

9:00a 4-H Dairy Goat Show

10:00a Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

10:00a Oxen Show (Arena #8)

10:00a Fanelli Midway Opens

(Unlimited Ride Wristbands 10am-2pm)

10:30a 4-H Small Animal Show (Monadnock Barn #16)

11:00a-7:00p Foam House (near gate 1)

12:00p Captains Canines

1:00p Cupcake Eating Contest (Community Stage)

1:00p 4-H Beef Show (Cattle Ring #15)

1:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

2:00p-6:00p Fanelli Amusements

(Unlimited Ride Wristbands)

2:00-5:00p Jonathan Stephen Braught (Tavern Stage #29)

2:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

2:30p Cota & Cota Kids Pedal Tractor Pull --Arena

3:00p ABGA Boer Goat Show (Cheshire Barn 17)

3:30p Captains Canines

3:00p Sheep Shearing Demo (Community Stage #13)

4:00p Prince / Princess of Cheshire Fair

(Community Stage)

4:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

5:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

5:00p Skillet Toss - Horse Show Area

5:00p 4-H Dairy Goat Obstacle Course- Arena

5:30p Captains Canines

6:00p-9p The Lake Effect Band (Tavern Stage)

7:00p-9p Matt Meserve (Community Stage #13)

7:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

6:00p Sugar Hill Snubbers (Grandstand)

10:00p Midway Closes

SATURDAY - Aug 3rd

8:00a Gates Open

8:00a National Anthem

8:00a Farm Tractor Pull Stoneboat (Pines)

8:30a Horse Show (Horse Show Ring)

9:00a Open Sheep Show (Monadnock)

9:30p Draft Horse Pull 3230#'s (Arena)

10:00a Open Beef Show (Cattle Ring)

10:00a Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

10:00a Fanelli Miday Opens

11:00-7:00p Foam House (near gate 1)

12:00-2:00p Larry Lee Ebere (Community Stage)

12:00p Captains Canines

12:30p Draft Horse Pull 3430#'s (Arena)

12:30p Horse Show (Horse Show Ring)

1-4:00p Isness Ensemble (Tavern Stage)

1:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

2:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

2:00p 4-H Grill Cheese (4-H Building)

2:30p Smokey Bear's 80th Birthday Party

(Community Stage)

3:00p 4 X 4 Truck Pull (Grandstand)

3:00-5:00p Joe Jennings (Community Stage #13)

3:30p Captains Canines

4:00p Scholarship Award (Arena)

4:15p Pig Scramble (Arena)

4:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

5:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

5:30p Captains Canines

6:00p Horse Show (Horse Show Ring)

6:00p The Shana Stack Band (Tavern Stage)

7:00p Draft Horse Pull FFA (Arena)

7:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

7:00p Cow Plop Bingo

7:00p-8:00p Joe Jennings (Community Stage #13)

10:00p Midway Closes

FRIDAY - Aug 2nd

8:00a Gates Open

8:00a National Anthem

8:00a Draft Horse, Pony, Mule Farm Obstacle Skill Contest

(Arena #8)

10:00a Fanelli Midway Opens

10:00a Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

10:00a 4-H Sheep Show (monadnock barn #16)

10:00a Open Dairy Show (Cattle Ring #15)

11:00a King Arthur Baking Contest (4-H Building #19)

11:00a Larry Lee Ebere (Community Stage #13)

12:00p Captains Canines

12:00p Parade

12:00p Lawn & Garden Tractor Pull (Pines #28)

12:00p ABGA Boer Goat Show (Cheshire Barn 17)

12:30p 4-H Sheep Show Breed & Market Classes

(Monadnock Barn)

1:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

2:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

2:00p Draft Horse 3130#'s (Arena)

2:00-5pm Rumboat Chilli (Tavern State #29)

2:00p Horse Show (Horse Show Ring)

2:00p Larry Lee Ebere (Community Stage #13)

3:00p ABGA Goat Show (Cheshire Barn 17)

3:00p Tractor Pull (Grandstand)

3:30p Captains Canines

4:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

4:00p 4-H Sheep Leadline

5:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

5:00p Larry Lee Ebere (Community Stage #13)

5:30p Captains Canines

6:00p Horse Show (Horse Show Ring)

6:00-9p The Detours (Tavern Stage)

6:30p Draft Horse 3330#'s (Arena)

7:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

10:00p Midway Closes

SUNDAY - Aug 4th

8:00a Gates Open

8:00a National Anthem

8:15 Non Demoninatinal Service (Community Stage)

8:30a Horse Show (Horse Show Ring)

9:00a Open Sheep Show -All day (Cheshire Barn)

9:00a Ox Pull -All day (Arena)

10:00a Fanelli Midway Opens

(Unlimited Ride Wristbands 10am-2pm)

10:00p Woodsman Competition (Pines)

10:00a 4-H Dairy Show (Cattle Ring)

10:00a Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

12:00p Captains Canines

1:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

1:00-3:00p Sage King (Tavern Stage)

1:00-3:00p Joe Jennings (Community Stage #13)

2:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

2:00p-6:00p Fanelli Amusements (Unlimited Ride Wristbands)

3:30p Captains Canines

4:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

4:00p-9p Matt Meserve (Community Stage #13)

5:00p Wood Wizard Carving- Northend

5:00p Demolition Derby Grandstand

5:30p Captains Canines

7:00p Doug The Devil Stick Man (#7)

8:00p Midway Closes